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Increase Open Home Attendees With Automated Ads

Plezzel Premium Open Home Engagements Ads attract open home attendees, including those who may not be in contact with real estate agencies yet.

Common Causes of Low Attendance Rates

While Real Estate Agents may be talking to interested buyers, they may often experience a low open home attendance rate. Furthermore, it can seem difficult to attract new buyers to these open homes. Another factor is the communication of open time dates and times and reliance on prospective buyers receiving this information, let alone being available for these times.

Plezzel's Solution

Plezzel's Premium Open Home Engagement ads were designed to relieve many agent pain points. This solution can be automated and reduces the time to contact each prospective buyer for a home subject to the Open Home and offers a range of other benefits.

Order with Ease

This digital advertising solution can be easily ordered on demand through popular marketing platforms widely used by real estate agents. Details are automatically pulled from the listing page to ensure the correct dates and times displayed on the ad are already accessible to our delivery team. This takes the pressure off those placing the order, as they won't need to provide listing media or descriptions.

If clients choose to have automated ad orders turned on, an order will be automatically created when the listing is set live on their website. If this option is not preferred when onboarding with Plezzels solution, ads will need to be manually ordered.

Clear Communication with Automation

Open home digital ads do the work for you by reducing the need to write out emails, make calls or other forms of communicating the date and time of the open home. These ads are designed to follow prospective buyers around the internet, where they attract those interested in attending.

Some agents may spend time contacting prospective buyers but generally do this once or twice. Digital ads are shown multiple times to the eyes of buyers, acting as a frequent reminder where they visit daily. This will help potential attendees remember the date and time and increase the likelihood of making themselves available to attend the open home.

Attractive Display of Open Home Details

Premium Open Home Ads display the property details, date and time in an engaging, on-brand media template shown on Facebook, Instagram, Google and popular websites.

Example of an Open Home digital ad on Facebook

Reach Existing and New Prospective Buyers

Plezzel's Platform helps find in-the-market buyers new to your brand by leveraging machine learning and your existing database. These buyers that are new to your brand are also found with custom targeting of demographics, interest and geolocation.

Buyers who have previously engaged in your brand and/or exist in your database are also retargeted with the relevant content to ensure these prospects are more likely to attend the open home.

Want to learn more?

Contact us today to help you find the right buyers by leveraging your existing assets.


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